Animal Consequences

Category Game
Type Circle game
Time to allocate (mins) 15

Equipment Required: Paper and pencils
How to Play:

  • Everybody sits in a circle, and has a piece of paper and a pencil.
  • Players fold their paper into four, so that the folds run widthways.
  • On the top panel they draw an animals head - a bird, a lion, a crocodile, etc.
  • Make the two lines of the neck just over onto the second panel.
  • Players fold over their handiwork so that it cannot be seen, and pass to the person on their left.
  • Players then draw the top part of an animals' body, and again pass on the piece of paper.
  • The legs of the body and then the feet are also added in this way. Then pass on the completed animal to the player on the left.
  • Players open out the 'mystery animal' and decide where they think it lives (has it got webbed feet? A tail suitable for helping to climb trees?). What it eats (has it a slender beak or a long tongue for drinking nectar? Sharp teeth for meat eating?). What it might get eaten by? (Try linking all the creations in an imaginary food web!). Give each animal a suitable name.

Entry written by Sharon Venn of 1st Randburg