Grand Howl

Wolves howl to show they care,
to call the pack together and to communicate


The Grand Howl is a collaborative platform for sharing ideas, resources and tools amongst Pack Scouters in South Africa. You can search for a game or activity for your programme either by typing the key words into the search bar or going through the relevant category to get some ideas. We also encourage you to register so that you can add your own items, comment on those already on the site or rate them if you tried something out.

The badges section provides a document that can be printed out for your Cubs to help them track their progress on completing an interest badge. If you have registered, your Group’s name will appear on the bottom. Where possible, activities or games are linked to the relevant Trail so that you can also search based on the achievements you need to complete. In the next phase, we hope to launch a Programme Builder that will allow you to choose the elements you want to put together your programme each week.

Hope you enjoy using this site and will contribute to make it even better :-)


Training Aids : Cracked Pot Story
Landing 6783785 s
Crafts : Silverware Holders
Landing screenshot 2025 02 06 211032
Yarn : Victoria Waterfall
Landing vic

Cub promise : I promise to do my best. To do my duty to God and my country. To keep the law of the wolf cub pack. To do a good turn for someone every day.

Cub law : The Cub gives in to the old wolf. The Cub does not give in to himself.