Magalies Sleepy River

Landing 12109017 10153589047617597 4907307908802994223 n
Website URL
Contact No. 0825559681
Day outings ? Yes
Camping ? Yes
Area Magaliesburg
Travel time 10
Province Gauteng

Shaded campsites with large pool (not too close to camp).  Clean ablutions.  Power and water at campsites.

Hall (far from campsite) that can be used in bad weather

Kiosk with cooldrinks and icecream by pool (not close to campsite)

River is a short walk from the campsite



Pool (with slide)


10km hike (offsite)



Helpful, accommodating owners

Although there were other campers, there were no issues and no-one complained about our noisy campfire either :-) 

Concerns There are monkeys though we never saw them with all the Cubs around.  However, did keep food and dustbin bags locked away at night in case.

Venue added by Sharon Venn of 1st Randburg