Ship's Captain

Category Game
Type Steam release
Time to allocate (mins) 10

The captain calls out orders to the rest of the players who are the crew. If a Cub does not follow an order correctly, then they are out. This decision is made by the Captain who is always right! The game is played until only one Cub is left. Some command ideas:

Port - run to the right side of the boat

Starboard - run to the left of the boat

Bow - run to the front of the boat

Stern - run to the back of the boat

Hit the deck - lay down on your stomach

Attention on deck - salute and yell “Aye Aye Captain”. Cubs must not move until the next command is given.

Sick turtle - everyone lies on their backs with their feet and hands in the air

Shark - everyone must run to a designated area and shout out SHARK! The last one there is out.

Three men in a boat - the crew must form groups of three and sing "row, row the boat"

Entry written by Sharon Venn of 1st Randburg