Meet a Tree

Category Game
Type Kim's game
Time to allocate (mins) 20

Not a typical Kim's game but still has elements of touch memory.

A carefully selected area with trees in it. Ensure there are no obvious hazards for blindfolded children such as water, nettles, brambles, holes, thorns.
Also ensure that there are enough, reasonably sized trees fairly well spaced, and that the trunks, or part of them, are fairly accessible, i.e. not covered in scrub.

The activity:
The original 'earth game'. Have the children in pairs or threes. If possible, or if the kids are younger, I recommend an adult per 'pair' for younger children. One blindfold per pair. It is easier to demonstrate this game than explain it. One child wears the blindfold, and the other leads them by a circuitous route to a tree. The blindfolded child feels, smells, even tastes the tree until they think they really know it, and all its shapes and features. They are then led away, the blindfold is removed, and they find 'their' tree. Then the next child has a go. Keep swapping and trying different trees. You could try this in different areas with different types of tree and see if it is easier or harder.
Be sure to mention blindfold safety, in leading partners carefully. If necessary set boundaries, keeping dangerous areas out of bounds. This is a good way to talk about different types of trees, who lives off them, what types of trees are not found here, etc.

Image: Olea europaea subsp europaea - OliveTree by (RNBC) member at en.wikipedia - Own work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Entry written by Sharon Venn of 1st Randburg