Age Group: 5- 11 years Ideal Numbers: Any size but be aware of limits with hiding places Location: Outdoors in area to be used for rest of activities/camp
Reasons for Playing: Great for establishing boundaries and familiarising young people and adults with a site How to Play: After describing and demonstrating the boundaries of the working area to a group divide the group in to two teams. One team are the hiders, the other are the seekers. Ensure there are sufficient adults in each team. The hiders go off in one big group to find one big hiding place. The seekers stay at the base and count to 100. After 100 the seekers shout all together '1,2,3 Where are you?' The hiders then reply '1,2,3 We're over here!' It is important to stress that they must reply! The seekers locate the hiders by repeating these calls and homing in on the hiding place- using their ears. Repeat the game by swapping teams and roles. As the group get used to the game you can allow them to hide in smaller groups within the teams or even on their own as long as the boundaries are well defined and recognised. This enables them to build up confidence and feel secure outside in the woodland/ park etc while having fun and enjoying exploration.