(You must have passed your 10th birthday before you start on this badge)
1. Show that you clearly understand:
a) the limitations of your knowledge as a First Aider;
b) the importance of summoning adult help in the case of accidents;
c) how to activate the Emergency Medical Services in your
neighbourhood; OR know and explain how and where to obtain help in an
d) why it is important to use rubber gloves or plastic bags when
dealing with open wounds.
2. Do the following:
a) Demonstrate how to control bleeding by direct pressure with the
finger or hand using a rubber glove of plastic bag.
b) Demonstrate how to stop a nose bleed.
c) Demonstrate what to do if your clothes or another person’s clothes
catch fire.
d) Demonstrate how to use your scarf for an arm sling and knee or
elbow bandage.
e) Using a one-way valve, explain and show what you would do if an
accident victim has stopped breathing. This includes knowing how to help
someone who is choking on inhaled food.
f) Explain two dangers to health of each of the following: smoking;
drinking alcohol.
g) Explain how to help a child who appears to
have drowned.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________
Akela/Cub Leader: _____________________________________________