(You must have passed
your 10th birthday before you start this badge)
Do any FOUR of the
Date Completed
1. Show that you
know the location of main cut-off points for water, gas and electricity in
your home AND the pack meeting place.
2. Show that you
know the importance of pure water and demonstrate how to purify water.
3. Show that you
know the telephone numbers of the nearest fire station, police station,
doctor and ambulance. Write them on a card and place the card near your
OR Explain how
you would get help to deal with a fire, serious injury or other emergency.
4. With your
parents, check or prepare the family first aid kit, and know where it is kept
and how to use the materials contained in it.
5. Explain what
to do in the event of civil emergency such as a fire, veldfire, flood or
gale. Explain the need for emergency food supplies and clothing.
6. Be able to
give clear and concise directions to the nearest fire station, police
station, doctor, ambulance station or hospital.
Note: A
letter must be produced from a parent or another adult for No’s 1 and 4 (can be
completed below)
Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________
Akela/Cub Leader: _____________________________________________